Why to go for Society Registration?

Society registration offers you a wide range of benefits which bring more ease in the operation of the society. Such range of benefits include:

Legal StatusSociety upon registration receives the legal status of being a separate entity working in furtherance of a certain objective that is different from that of the personal interest of those operating it. Once registration is successful, Society enjoys all the benefits of of a legal entity and an artificial person.

Access to fundsWhen society attains legal status in the market, it becomes convenient to access funds and investors as the registration creates authenticity and reliability of the society being original and not a hoax conduct.

Limited LiabilityLike many other forms of a company registered under the Companies Act, the registered society also holds a certain level of limited liability when it comes to debt recovery from its operators or employees running the operations.

Credibility & TrustRegistration of the society leads to the creation of trust and reliability in the market which brings the association of people. It is expected that there can be many such organizations operating for person dishonest interests, therefore, to segregate honest societies from the bunch of bogus ones, registration plays a crucial role.

Benefits & Tax ExemptionsSociety, being a legally separate entity operating for the welfare of the people, enjoy a wide range of benefits and tax exemptions offered by the government. However, these benefits and exemptions can only be availed if the society is.